Invitation for Quotation: Leasing of Thangzona Bacho FY 2024-2025

Notification Period:
Wed, 04 September 2024
Wed, 04 September 2024

The Dzongkhag Administration Punakha is inviting sealed bids for the leasing of Thangzona Bacho. The lease contract will be awarded to the best-evaluated bidder based on submitted bids. The deadline for bid submission is 25th September 2024, by 10:30 AM. Interested bidders must submit their priced quotations along with required documents, including a bid security of Nu. 30,000. The successful bidder will also need to provide a performance security of Nu. 50,000 upon signing the lease contract. The lease agreement will be valid for one year, with detailed terms and conditions outlined in the contract.

Download the attached file for the sets of tender documents.

Attachment Size
Tender Document for the Thangzona Bacho FY-2024-2025.pdf 1.67 MB