Toedpisa Gewog was under Thimphu Dzongkhag until it was merged to Punakha Dzongkhag on 15th January 2008. The Gewog has 285 households and a 1363 population. The total area of the gewog is 102.8 (approx) as per LCMP 2010 with the elevation ranging from 1709 m to 3200 m above sea level. The gewog has five chiwogs and five Tshogpas.
Since the East-West highway passes through the Gewog, people can market their products easily, and to facilitate this there are several market sheds constructed along the highway. The gewog lies in the sub-tropical regions like Baarp gewog with hot and humid summers and cold winters. Some of the far-flung villages in Toedpisa gewog are Begana, Bemsisi, Dra Karpo, and Tahogang. There is one RNR center, one BHU, and one ORC to effectively deliver RNR and health care services. All the households are electrified and about 96% of the household have access to a clean drinking water supply.