Vacancies for various post

The dzongkhag Administration, Punakha is pleased to announce the following vacancies to be recruited for 36 months, from 1st October 2024 till 30th September 2027. Therefore, interested applicants (18-50 years old) fulfilling the eligibility criteria may apply through the Zhiyog Recruitment System on or before 9th September 2024.

Sl No Position Title Entry Level Slots Qualification Required Place/School
1 Store Asst S5A 1 Class XII certificate

Punakha CS

2 Security Guard ESP 1 Preference will be given to Ex-Arm Force Talo Dzong/Shedra
3 Caretaker ESP 1 NA Bjibjokha LSS
4 Sweeper ESP 1 NA Dzongkhag Administration, Punakha

The document to be attached during application time as required:

1. Medical fitness with a validity of six months

2. Online Security Clearance

3. CID copy

4. Class X certificate and  mark sheet (store assistant)

5. Class XII certificate and mark sheet (store assistant)

6. No objection certificate from employer if employed

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Vacancy Announcements .pdf 302.76 KB